Adult 5k $25
Adult 10k $25
Adult FunRun $15
12& under 5k $15
12& under 10k $15
12& under FunRun $10
Saturday, July 13th, 2019 at the Fonner Park Hall County Fair Grounds
9:00 AM - 1 Mile Fun Walk/Run
9:30 AM - 5K and 10K Race
Tobacco Free Hall County, the Prevention Project and the Hall County Fair are partnering to bring a family fun day at the Hall County Fair. There will be a 1 mile walk/run that is not timed and for any age. The 5K and 10K will be timed event. Medals are being sponsored by the Hall County Fair for the top male and female runners in the 5K and 10K.
This is the third annual Outrun Addiction - Finish with Hope and we are excited to be now partnering with the Hall County Fair. Tobacco Free Hall County's mission is to promote lives free from tobacco in all its forms and the Prevention Project's mission is to Our mission is to improve the health, well-being, and safety of Grand Island residents by working collaboratively to reduce substance abuse and challenge social norms about substance use.
Outrun Addiction-Finish with HOPE is a family fun run designed to create awareness for addiction to tobacco and/or other substances.
We at Tobacco Free Hall County and the Grand Island Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition realize that many people have been touched by addiction. We want to create a community awareness event to shed light on hope.
If you have any questions please email Michaela Perry at Michaela@cncaa.info or Katie Usasz at Katieu@cncaa.info
Any questions please reach out to Michaela at michaela@cncaa.info or Katie at katieu@cncaa.info